Islands of Hope in Seas of Despair
Royal Family Kids is an international ministry that brings hope to 7-11-year-old children in foster care.Through summer camps, mentoring clubs, and a variety of other programs, Royal Family Kids has helped hundreds of thousands of kids around the world. This summer, Christian Chapel will host our 26th Royal Family Kids Camp (RFKC), and this fall we will kick off our 9th year of Royal Family Kids Club.
Royal Family Kids provides an island of hope in the tumultuous lives of children in foster care. The circumstances that send kids into foster care are often painful. Most of our campers have experienced some form of extreme loss, abuse, abandonment, or neglect. The stories of what they have seen, heard, or endured are heartbreaking. They have been uprooted from all that is familiar. Many have endured numerous moves from home to home and school to school. In the face of consistent upheaval, a week of camp or a mentoring relationship seems unlikely to make much of a difference.
Yet, each year, we witness how the safety, stability, and structure of Royal Family Kids Camp and Club cause hope to grow in the hearts and minds of our campers. It doesn’t always make sense, but God uses the cathedral of the outdoors, fun activities, and dedicated volunteers to create an environment of healing. Even if our campers return to less-than-ideal circumstances, their time spent at camp or with a mentor opens their eyes to a different and hopeful way of life. In a week of camp or hours with a mentor, they are presented with alternative pictures of their future. They interact with believers who serve as role models of what they can be when they grow up. In these relationships, they are also encouraged to keep trusting God in every season and situation.
The hope shared through Royal Family Kids requires a church-wide effort at Christian Chapel. RFK Camp and Club are entirely staffed by Christian Chapel members. Our Kingdom Builders giving and a few generous community partners fund these ministries. The Holy Spirit works through the prayers of those who go and those who stay behind.
Each year over 150 Christian Chapel members serve in some capacity with RFK Camp and Club, and many more pray and give to make it possible. When you serve, give, or pray for Royal Family Kids, you are making it easier for hope to grow in a child’s heart. Thanks for all you do - keep up the good work!
Chris Dow
Lead Pastor