The 50th anniversary cook book

Christian Chapel started in 1974 and since then, the traditions and community has grown into the wonderful church it is today! Through the years, we have released cookbooks at different anniversary points. You might remember the 25th anniversary cookbook, or the 35th anniversary cookbook, or even more recently the 40th anniversary cookbook! We are thrilled to announce we will be releasing the 50th anniversary cookbook this year in September!

(please read instructions before submitting recipe)


User Name: christianchapel

Password: chapelfood

v v scroll down for instructional video v v

What we need:

We need 300 recipes for this book! Categories include:

  • Appetizers and Beverages

  • Vegetable and Side Dishes

  • Main Dishes

  • Breads & Rolls

  • Desserts

  • This and That

Recipe Writing Tips

  1. List ingredients in the order used. Make sure all ingredients are included in the directions.
  2. Include all amounts and container sizes: 2 (8-oz.) cans, 1 (14-oz.) pkg. Use parenthesis to separate amounts.
  3. Abbreviate measurements in the ingredients list (see standard abbreviations below), but spell them out in the directions.
  4. Be consistent with names, ingredients, etc., e.g., don’t use “1 c. butter” on some recipes and “2 sticks butter” on others.
  5. Use ingredient names in the directions, e.g., use “Combine flour and sugar” rather than statements such as “Combine the first two ingredients.”
  6. Include temperatures and all cooking, chilling, baking, or freezing times.
  7. Make sure ingredients and directions are clear, thorough, and accurate. For example, don’t assume the reader knows how to make yeast bread.
  8. Submit recipes exactly as you want them to appear.
  9. Write directions in 1 paragraph. Do not submit recipes in steps, columns, charts, or as an entire paragraph. Recipes which cannot conform to our format will be omitted.
  10. Ingredients may include trademarked names, e.g., Miracle Whip. ® Do NOT use trademarked words for recipe titles. If used, they will be replaced with an acceptable alternative, e.g., Kentucky Derby® Pie will become Chocolate Nut Pie.
  11. Anything other than the ingredients, directions, contributor name(s), serving size, and recipe title will be charged


Recipe Notes

A recipe note is content that does not pertain to recipe preparation. Anything other than ingredients, directions, contributor

names, serving size, and the recipe title is a recipe note.
Recipe notes may include nutritional information, recipe history, uses, etc., and cannot be included in the directions.

Recipe notes are printed after the directions and cannot exceed 375 characters.