The Chapel Digest - AUGUST
The Chapel Digest - AUGUST
Five Historic Components of Christian Chapel
In 2024, Christian Chapel will celebrate our 50th anniversary! It’s a significant milestone in the life of our church. It gives us the opportunity to look back at who we have been, evaluate where we are, and consider where we are going. As we’re preparing for that celebration, I’ve been able to discuss our history with three of our former Lead Pastors.
Jonathan Wakefield was our founding pastor and served from 1974-1980. Richard Exley served from 1980-1992, and Greg Davis served from 1995-2013. In my conversations with each pastor there were several recurring themes. Below are five historic components of Christian Chapel. There have been a few other themes that have endured, and other emphases have come and gone, but these five were the most prevalent in every season.
As we celebrate our 50th anniversary in 2024 I anticipate revisiting many of these themes. I’m thankful for God’s faithfulness, His consistent vision for Christian Chapel, and our opportunity to carry these historic components into our next 50 years.
Chris Dow
Lead Pastor
History is a story written by the finger of God.
- C.S. Lewis -
Michael & Lindsey Fladie - Adoption
In 2018, Michael & I believed that we were supposed to pursue adoption to grow our family.
We applied and were accepted with Crisis Pregnancy Outreach. In 2019 we were so excited to be chosen as an adoptive family. Unfortunately, that adoption was interrupted. While we fought heartache and disappointment, we sensed that we were being redirected to become foster parents.
Two days after completing our training and becoming active foster parents, we received a call about a 2.5-year-old girl in need of a home. Our original desire had been to only foster infants, but we sensed God’s direction and immediately said yes.
Deana came into our lives and the years that followed changed our hearts and our lives. Deana is sunshine, she is resilient, and she trusts God whole-heartedly with the sweetest faith. On March 23, 2023, after 1,129 days as a foster family we were able to finalize Deana's adoption and officially become a family.
We prayed so long and so hard for Deana – before we ever knew her or understood what our path to a family would look like. She is a constant reminder of God’s wisdom, grace, and faithfulness.
During the years we served as foster parents, we continued to pursue adoption through Crisis Pregnancy Outreach. We went through several more interviews and endured another painful interrupted adoption.
In December 2021 we learned that we had been chosen as an adoptive family by a birth mother. Our second daughter Leyla was born on February 25, 2021.
Through our years of waiting, I often questioned God and asked if He really was going to answer our prayers for children. God’s answer was always the same, “Trust in Me, I am God.”
I'm so thankful now that He took us through those valleys. Without the wait, without each yes ending in a not yet, without each interrupted adoption, we would not have the family we have today.
Our family is proof of God’s ability to bring beauty from ashes in so many ways.
Wednesday, August 2nd
REMINDER: No family dinner, adult discipleship groups or chapel kids groups this week due to the holidays. Activities resume August 23.
6:30pm - 7:30pm I Chapel Youth Brazil Check-In Service
Sunday, August 6th
6:00pm - 8:00pm I Homegroups I Chapel Youth D-Groups I Chapel Kids I Nursery [get involved]
Wednesday, August 9th
6:00pm - 8:00pm I End Of Summer Pool Party I Camp Loughridge I Pizza, Cookies + Drinks I [get directions]
Wednesday, August 16th
REMINDER: No family dinner, adult discipleship groups or chapel kids groups this week due to the holidays. Activities resume August 23. No Chapel Youth due to leader training.
Sunday, August 20th - Back To School Sunday!
6:00pm - 8:00pm I Homegroups I Chapel Youth Color War I Chapel Kids I Nursery [get involved]
Wednesday, August 23rd - WEDNESDAY KICK OFF!
5:15pm - 6:30pm I Family Dinner
6:30pm - 7:30pm I Adult Discipleship Groups I Chapel Youth I Chapel Kids I Nursery [see group options]
Sunday, August 27th - Baptism Sunday!
12:30pm - 1:30pm I NEXT GEN Connect I Free Lunch for 18 - 30 y/o
Wednesday, August 30th
5:15pm - 6:30pm I Family Dinner
6:30pm - 7:30pm I Adult Discipleship Groups I Chapel Youth I Chapel Kids I Nursery [see group options]
Fall Wednesday Night Schedule
Wednesday groups kick-off
Join us for a family meal served on Wednesday nights from 5:15pm - 6:30pm.
Lent Services/ The Annual Business Meeting, Chapel Youth and Chapel Kids run from 6:30pm - 7:30pm. Nursery is available.
August 2 - No Groups
August 9 - Pool Party
August 16 - No Groups
August 23 - Team Marilyn
Chicken burritos
Mexican rice
Mexican salad
Chips and Salsa
Apple Crisp
August 30 - Team Donna
Meatball Sandwiches
Fruit Salad
Strawberry Cake
Meet A Missionary
Chapel Youth Brazil Missions Trip - Hailey Parker
Chapel Youth had an amazing opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus on a recent mission experience in Brazil. Pastor Titus Schmitt and his wife Rachel led a team of 18 people to the coastal town of Aracati in northeast Brazil. They worked with Global Gospel Action, a ministry directed by Rubens & Steffi Cunha.
The report below is from Hailey Parker, one of our Chapel Youth Students. Hailey has attended Christian Chapel for five years, and will be a senior this year at Jenks High School this year.
I was called to go on the mission trip to see and experience how God is working in Brazil. This trip was my first mission trip as well as my first time out of the country. I was nervous about raising the funds, but the Lord provided and made it possible. Each person that donated to help me was another confirmation that the Lord wanted me to go to Brazil.
Our week of ministry centered around a three-night-crusade that Rubens Cunha and Global Gospel Action had set up to introduce people to Jesus. During the crusade, there were salvations, healings, and deliverances - all of these made possible by the power of Jesus Christ. Our team also went door-to-door preaching the Gospel in impoverished local villages near Aracati. During these outreaches, we were able to listen and build relationships. Our team was blessed with the most amazing translators who helped us communicate with the Brazilian community. We were able to lead many to Christ and pray for their needs.
My most significant takeaway from this experience was the unwavering faith of the Brazilian believers.. No matter their living conditions or illness, they were looking for a reason to praise the Lord. Those who were not believers were also very receptive. During the door-to-door outreaches our team was never turned away. We were welcomed by hungry hearts. It was a reminder that the Holy Spirit had already prepared them to receive the good news of Jesus. The Lord showed me that faith can move mountains. I am forever grateful that the Lord provided this opportunity. I will never forget their joy of the Lord and astounding faith.
10 q's with
I am the Media Pastor - 2 years full time, 1 year part time before that.
Joyful, Competitive, Energetic
Who would it be if you could meet anyone from the Bible other than Jesus?
Peter - I love his boldness and know that he would have such incredible stories from walking alongside Jesus.
If you weren’t a pastor, what job would you want?
To own a video production studio or be a farmer (but not in Oklahoma, it's too hot).
Where did you work before Christian Chapel?
ORU as Project Coordinator for Film & Television Degree Program
Who’s in your family?
Ashley (wife) // George (2 y/old) // Baby Boy?? (Due December)
What do you love about living in Tulsa?
I love that everyone you meet is friendly and wants to have a conversation. Also the pace of life is great, there is enough going on not to get boring but not crazy busy like it was when I lived in London.
What do you love about Christian Chapel?
I love that it truly is a family church and we have members from all ages. I love that the older members in the church are willing to pour in to the younger ones and that no matter your age there is a place and need for you in the Church.
What are you excited about concerning the future?
I am excited to see more people reached by the ministry of Christian Chapel. I am excited to hear more testimonies of how God transforms lives and see the lost saved.
What is your most memorable moment from being a pastor?
We had a testimony emailed in from a lady who had been joining us online from England. She noted that during Covid that she really couldn’t leave her house and that watching Christian Chapel online was an incredible blessing to her. She told us iit bought her life and joy throughout that time. It spoke to me in a special way. I was born and raised in England and I loved that our Media Team was able to minister to my people. I didn’t know who she was and how she got connected with Christian Chapel, but it was a cool God moment.
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