Welcome to Chapel Men

We exist to connect men to one another and to wholeness in Christ. 

We accomplish this through 2/3 group events, small group classes periodically, and smaller groups determined by interests and friendships.  

We’d love to get to know you better.  If you have any questions about Chapel Men, please e-mail Pastor Chris G at godfrey@christianchapel.com


Chapel Men Leadership Summit - Wednesdays June 19th & 26th I July 10th & 17th

6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Join us for the Men's Summer Leadership Group on Wednesdays June 19th and 26th and July 10th, and 17th. Pastor Mike Buie will be teaching on how to be leaders within the Local Church. Light Snacks and Drinks will be provided

Chapel Men Tulsa Drillers Night - Friday, June 28th at 7:00 pm

Chapel men, join us for a night at the Tulsa Drillers on June 28th at 7:00 pm. High school sons or those you mentor are welcome to join but reserve your tickets now since space is limited. 

Tickets - $11.00

Click Here to reserve your spot