The Chapel Digest - MAY


Hi Christian Chapel Family - 

I love summer at Christian Chapel! It’s a time for us to focus on helping kids and teenagers discover wholeness in Christ through a variety of special events, activities, camps, and mission trips. 

When Angie and I came to Christian Chapel in 2005 we served as the Youth Pastors for our first 6.5 years. During those years our summers were filled with Senior Trips to Colorado, Youth Camps, Mission Experiences all over the world, and Ministry Camps in our community. We have so many memories of students taking ownership of their faith and discovering and using their gifts from those experiences. 

When I moved out of youth ministry and into a new role at Christian Chapel, I was able to start participating in Royal Family Kids Camp, a free week of camp for kids in foster care. I was also able to start serving at Mega Summer Camp and as a counselor for my boys at Chapel Kids Camp each summer. Those moments helped me build stronger relationships with others at Christian Chapel and see how God worked to bring healing and wholeness to kids from all kinds of situations. 

God works in powerful ways through camps and mission experiences. Those moments were formational in my life as a child and teenager. There is something about a change in your location and schedule that creates an openness in your heart to hear God’s voice. I have watched the same thing play out in hundreds of kids and teenagers through the summer events at Christian Chapel. 

Parents, as you are planning your family calendar for this summer – make these experiences a priority for your kids! The only thing better than sending them to camp, is going with them! You only have a short window to create these life-long memories for (and possibly with) your kids. Make the most of it! Sign them up and get ready to hear their stories!

Chris Dow

Lead Pastor

Change of pace + change of place = change of perspective.

- Mark Batterson -

Infertility – Dave & Patti Schatzmann

Early in our marriage, my husband Dave and I were told that we had no chance of having children on our own.Our doctor offered many expensive options that we could attempt but made it clear that there was no guarantee of a pregnancy. I was working as a Labor & Delivery nurse at the time, helping women deliver babies every day. While I was happy for them, it was also a brutal reminder of what we could not experience. 

After praying and discussing our situation we decided to pursue adoption. We were active members of Christian Chapel and I was volunteering on a regular basis with Crisis Pregnancy Outreach so we had witnessed the beauty of adoption. Even that process involved pain and waiting. We endured two failed adoptions before we were blessed with our daughter Amanda. 

Ten months after Amanda was born we found out we were miraculously pregnant with our daughter, Amy, with no medical intervention at all.  

When people hear our story they often say, “Oh that always happens, you adopt, relax and get pregnant.”

But our story is a medical miracle. We both endured testing and received diagnoses that without intervention pregnancy was impossible. We never conceived again after Amy. She was God’s miraculous gift.After Amy was born, God blessed us one more time with our son, Cole, through foster care and then adoption. He just so happens to be Amanda’s half sibling.  

29 years ago, we were hurting and wondering if our dreams for a family would ever become a reality. God who stepped in and created our family through three miracles: adoption, a miraculous pregnancy, and foster care!



Wednesday, May 3rd

5:15pm - 6:30pm I Family Dinner

6:30pm - 7:30pm I Adult Discipleship Groups I Chapel Youth I Chapel Kids I Nursery

Sunday, May 7th

9:15am & 10:45am I Graduate Sunday

6:00pm - 8:00pm I Homegroups I Chapel Youth D-Groups I Chapel Kids I Nursery [get involved]

Wednesday May 10th

5:15pm - 6:30pm I Family Dinner

6:30pm - 7:30pm I Adult Discipleship Groups I Chapel Youth I Chapel Kids I Nursery

Sunday, May 14th I 9:15am & 10:45am I Mothers Day

Wednesday, May 17th

5:15pm - 6:30pm I Family Dinner

6:30pm - 7:30pm I Adult Discipleship Groups I Chapel Youth I Chapel Kids I Nursery

Sunday, May 21st

6:00pm - 8:00pm I Homegroups I Chapel Youth D-Groups I Chapel Kids I Nursery [get involved]

Wednesday, May 24th

5:15pm - 6:30pm I Family Dinner

6:30pm - 7:30pm I Kids Awards Night I Chapel Youth I Nursery

Wednesday, May 30th - June 3rd I Youth Camp [sign up]

Wednesday Night MEnu

Join us for a family meal served on Wednesday nights from 5:15pm - 6:30pm. 

Lent Services/ The Annual Business Meeting, Chapel Youth and Chapel Kids run from 6:30pm - 7:30pm. Nursery is available. 

May 3 - Team Candi

Cheesy Dorito Chicken Casserole

Mexican Street Corn Salad

Corn for kids

Chips & Salsa

No-Bake Cookies

May 10 - Team Flo

BBQ Sandwiches

Little Smokies

Baked Beans

Potato Salad

& more assorted entrees

Assorted Dump Cake

May 17 - Team Marilyn

Sloppy Joes


Rice Crispy Treats

May 24 - Team Donna

Breakfast Casserole


Biscuits & Gravy/Jelly

Sweet Breads

Meet A Missionary

Maggie Toupin - Crisis Pregnancy Outreach (CPO)

Maggie Toupin is the Executive Director of Crisis Pregnancy Outreach (CPO). Maggie is relatively new to this role at CPO, but God has prepared her for this position from an early age with a love for adoption. She even served as a babysitter for CPO events when she was a teenager.

When Maggie met her husband, they both believed they were open to adoption when they were ready to have children. However, the Lord had other plans for them. Their first entry into parenting was as emergency foster parents. Maggie and her husband said ‘yes’ to what they thought was an eleven day stay with a child that turned into a forever family. 

They additionally have one biological daughter; they fostered their daughter’s sister until she reunified with her dad and adopted her little brother. Their journey opened their eyes to the need for safe and healthy families.

Crisis Pregnancy Outreach serves women, babies, and families affected by unexpected or crisis pregnancies. CPO provides a support system for mothers during the pregnancy, as they make a decision to parent or place their child for adoption, and then for as long as the mother and baby continue to need counseling or support.  

Maggie says, “The majority of our mothers want to parent their children and we offer services, training, and support, so that they can parent successfully. For our mothers who are not in a season of life that they wish to parent or are unable to parent, we offer adoptions with an incredible amount of pre and post placement support. As a ministry to our birth mothers, we want to provide them with strong families. We want their children to have healthy adoptions, and we offer post placement support to our families and adoptees as well.”

Crisis Pregnancy Outreach exists to glorify God by caring for moms and their children. Maggie’s prayer for this season is that they can continue to successfully make our community aware of their services, so they can serve more moms and babies. 

10 q's with


  1. If I could meet anyone from the Bible other than Jesus who would it be?
    PAUL. He’s brilliant so I would learn a lot. He would have incredible stories, so I would be entertained. He’s direct to the point of bordering on abrasive, so I would know exactly what he thinks about everything. He’s up for an adventure, so I could never get bored.
  2. What are three words that best describe your personality?
    Loyal, Dependable, Routine
  3. If you weren’t a pastor, what job would you want? 
    High school history teacher and basketball coach.
  4. Who’s in your family?
    Wife - Angie, Kids: Connor, Corban, Audrey
  5. What do you do at Christian Chapel (and for how long)?
    CLead Pastor for 10 years. Prior to that I was the Co-Pastor for almost 2 years and Youth Pastor for 6 years.
  6. Where did you work before Christian Chapel?
    Various part-time & full-time jobs during college & seminary. (Law office, used car lot, telemarketer, bank teller, lawn care.)
  7. What do you love about Christian Chapel?
    The people! It’s the healthiest church I’ve ever been a part of and the only church my kids have ever known.
  8. What do you love about living in Tulsa?
    The size, culture, opportunities for my kids, and cost of living. It’s a great place to raise a family. 
  9. What are you excited about concerning the future?
    I love seeing so many people inviting their family and friends to Christian Chapel so they can experience wholeness in Christ.
  10. What is your most memorable moment from being a pastor?
    There are so many stories of life change it would be impossible to pick just one. As a dad, it’s seeing the love and support my kids have received from so many people at Christian Chapel throughout their lives.


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