Advent 2023
The Chapel Digest - DECEMBER
The Chapel Digest - DECEMBER
Advent 2023
December 3, 2023, is the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is a season of preparation in the church calendar that helps us celebrate the arrival of Jesus, which we observe on Christmas Day.
In the busyness of the Christmas season, it’s easy to move from one commitment to the next and forget the reason behind everything we do. Advent provides a structure for us to push back against the mad rush of the season. As we center this month around worshiping together each Sunday, we are making space to consider the amazing gift of Jesus.
Like many good things, Advent only brings its full benefit when we embrace it and participate in it. For us to get all we can out of Advent, we must make it a priority to gather with other believers each Sunday to focus on the peace, joy, hope, and love that Jesus makes available to us.
Advent celebrations can’t be another part of our holiday season; they must be the central focus of each week. The family gatherings, parties with friends, decorations, gifts, and food that we associate with this time of year are all fun and tradition-rich, but their ultimate meaning and significance is found in the many ways they point our hearts toward Jesus.
I hope you will join us each Sunday in December this year to celebrate Jesus as the good news of great joy for all people!
Our Advent celebration will culminate with our Christmas Eve Services on December 24 at 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Chris Dow
Lead Pastor
"The celebration of Advent is possible only to those who are troubled in soul, who know themselves to be poor and imperfect, and who look forward to something greater to come."
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer -
Candi Jensen
For a long time, I have had anemia and leukopenia, a low white blood cell count. In November 2022, my doctor referred me to a hematologist/oncologist for further evaluation, with concerns that my low white blood cell count could be an indication of a more serious diagnosis.
She referred me to a specific doctor and I had been wondering if that was the right doctor for me since November. I came to church on Sunday, January 15, 2023 and heard the testimony of the Dowd twins miraculous in-utero healing and God’s word to Macrae that she did not need to believe the initial report from the doctor.
As we all prayed together after hearing their story, I began praying for my own healing and asking God for a good report at my upcoming appointment.
I was specifically praying and asking God for wisdom to choose the right doctor to conduct the tests. Before I could finish the prayer, the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, "It doesn't matter, they aren't going to find anything."
At the end of that service, I went to the prayer room and asked others to pray with me. I went to my appointment on Thursday, January 19, 2023. I had more blood work done and, Praise God, there were no signs of leukemia, lymphoma, or any other serious illness!
I am thankful for a community of believers that prays together and praises together. This inspired me to ask for help and testify of God's faithfulness!
SUNDAY Morning Services - 8:30AM, 9:45AM & 11:15AM
Saturday, December 2nd
7:00pm I ORU Basketball Home Game (vs TU) [reserve tickets]
Sunday, December 3rd
8:30am, 9:45am & 11:15am I Donut Sunday
12:45pm - 1:45pm I NEXT GEN Connect
6:00pm - 8:00pm I Home Groups I Chapel Kids I Nursery I Chapel Youth D-Groups [get involved]
Wednesday, December 6th
5:15pm - 6:30pm I Family Dinner
6:30pm - 7:30pm I Adult Discipleship Groups I Chapel Youth I Chapel Kids I Nursery [view groups]
8:00pm - 9:00pm I NEXT GEN Encounter
Saturday, December 9th
10:30am I Chapel Women Christmas Brunch [sign up]
7:00pm I ORU Basketball Home Game (vs Ozark CC) [reserve tickets]
Wednesday, December 13th
5:15pm - 6:30pm I Family Dinner
6:30pm - 7:30pm I Adult Discipleship Groups I Chapel Youth I Chapel Kids I Nursery [view groups]
8:00pm - 9:00pm I NEXT GEN Encounter
Sunday, December 17th
9:45am & 11:15am I Preschool Christmas Choir
6:00pm - 8:00pm I Home Groups I Chapel Kids I Nursery I Chapel Youth D-Groups [get involved]
Tuesday, December 19th
7:00pm I ORU Basketball Home Game (vs John Brown) [reserve tickets]
Wednesday, December 20th
Sunday, December 24th
9:30am & 11:00am I Christmas Eve Service [reserve tickets]
Wednesday, December 27th
Sunday, December 31st
9:30am & 11:00am I Sunday Service
Wednesday Night Schedule
Join us for a family meal served on Wednesday nights, starting from 5:15pm - 6:30pm.
Adult Groups, Chapel Youth and Chapel Kids run from 6:30pm - 7:30pm. Nursery is available.
December 6 - Team Candi
Grilled Cheese & applesauce for kids
Celery, carrots, & cheese stick
Cinnamon Rolls
December 13 - Team Flo
Rotisserie chicken
Mashed potatoes
Baked Beans
Green Salad
Assorted, Desserts
December 20 - No Activities
Christmas Break
December 27 - No Activities
Christmas Break
Meet A Missionary
Dave & Patti Schatzmann - Missionaries To Pacific Oceania
“Are you tough enough?” This was the question that Bryan Webb, a missionary to Pacific Oceania, asked when he spoke at Christian Chapel. Pacific Oceania is the world’s largest mission field. It is isolated, complex, remote, and scattered over 30,000 islands. It is not an easy mission field. As Bryan spoke, he shared that he was convinced that at least one person would respond to God’s call to missions in the Pacific during the morning services at Christian Chapel.
That morning, Dave and Patti felt the call. “It took everything in me not to run forward when he gave the altar call, but I didn't think I should go forward without Dave,” said Patti. Later that day at lunch, Dave shared that he also had wanted to go forward when Bryan gave the altar call. Dave now considers that day a "Holy Spirit redirect” that changed their lives.
That day redirected Dave and Patti’s future, but it also was the fulfillment of a call that Patti experienced 37 years earlier. While a student at ORU, Patti ended a relationship and changed her major to nursing in response to God calling her to medical missions. When Patti spoke to Bryan after service, he shared that there were numerous nursing opportunities to be used as doorways for the Gospel in the Pacific. As he prayed over Patti, Bryan said, "God, before Patti even gets out of the parking lot, I ask you to confirm a call missions on her life!"
Now, Dave and Patti are moving forward as missionaries to the Pacific. “After God had used us for the last 35 years to send others to the field, He was telling us that it was our turn to go,” said Dave.
During their first two-year term, Patti and Dave will be learn a new language, I-Kiribati, and getting acquainted with a new culture and customs. Patti will work to determine how to use medicine in Kiribati best, and Dave will work with students in after-school programs. They hope to use medication and community outreach to expand the church in areas without a Gospel witness.
Dave and Patti desire to represent Christian Chapel and Oklahoma. “Currently, there are only two Assembly of God missionary units in Micronesia, and we are the only Okies in the Pacific Oceania area. We would love to have you join us!”
They are asking our church family to pray for the following:
1. God’s favor to raise the final 25% of their monthly budget.
2. Direction on the sale or rental of their home in Tulsa.
3. Complete healing for Patti's foot from a surgery in August.